Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Based on one-on-one discussion with a number of members, I've put together a much-simplified version that basically consists solely of voting procedures, drunk driving regs, riding dirty regs, and how-to-become-a-member. Maybe this version is less intimidating?

Sunday, September 11, 2011


After the break are proposed bylaws for the San Diego Skunks MPC. Please vote for approval or discuss revisions in the comments. I reworked them from a successful motorcycle gang's bylaws.

It looks like a lot of stuff, but in a nutshell, the only thing it asks us to do that we aren't doing already is have a monthly meeting. Mostly it clarifies questions about how one becomes a member, how decisions are made, expectations of behavior (most of which we already do), etc. The big selling point is that it democratizes the gang - it formalizes the principles that day-to-day decisions are made collaboratively by a group of elected representatives, and contested decisions are decided by popular vote. This prevents the emergence of a dictator, and prevents conflicts between members from pulling the group apart: if you disagree with someone, vote that way, instead of not hanging out or whatever.